Thursday, October 4, 2007

Cold Turkey

Yes, Cold Turkey.
Those were the words my Uncle Joel used as the three potential worship leaders wlaked off of the stage. That night, before the youth began their worship, U. Joel said, "If you plan on auditioning for vocals in the praise band stand up." After the thought registerd Hey, I'm auditioning! I stood up as well as two others. He then proceeded to have us sing with him. I won't lie, I was shaken. But he had a point. If I wasn't able to go up then and praise the Lord, how would I ever be able to lead others in Worship? I thank him for that because he's absolutely correct in calling us up.

Tuesday, October 2, 2007

Here Come The Trains!

Little Man can't get enough of them trains and he about Flipped when he saw "Henyee"
Up close. After that there was no choice but to get him his own "henyee"....

When In Georgia.....

Take Some pictures!

"Fwim in Sissys' Tub!"

My Favorite Subject: God's Creation